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Legal information and copyright notes

Responsible for the content:

EOS Saunatechnik GmbH
Schneiderstriesch 1
35759 Driedorf, Germany
Fon: +49 2775 82 0
Fax: +49 2775 82 431

Philipp Krauth

Entry in the commercial register with the number HRB 4023 at the District Court Wetzlar

Data protection officer:
We have appointed a data protection officer for our company.

Data protection officer of EOS Saunatechnik GmbH
Schneiderstrisch 1
35759 Driedorf

If you have any questions regarding data protection, you can contact our data protection officer at the address above or via email at: datenschutz@eos-sauna.de

DE 811165752

We do not take part in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.


The texts, images, photos, videos and graphics on our website are generally protected by copyright. Any unauthorised use (in particular the reproduction, editing or distribution) of this copyright-protected content is therefore prohibited. If you intend to use this content or parts thereof, please contact us in advance using the details above. If we are not ourselves the owner of the required copyright usage rights, we will endeavour to arrange contact with the authorised party.